I woke up this morning [last September!] with different idea in my mind. I'd like to create an art exhibit. I propose that it will be called "The Repurposed Art/Craft Invitational - An exploration of beauty and function from recycled and repurposed materials". [I've changed the title to "REcycled Art CrafT invitational"].
I'm interested in zoning in on the blurred lines between art and craft, examining the functionality of the purely decorative, and the aesthetic appeal of the designated functional. And I want every object or piece in the exhibition to be made from recycled, upcycled and (hopefully) post-consumer repurposed materials.
The gallery space will be organized into fluid sections - I want the viewer to go on a meander through the space, around the 3D objects while pausing at the wall mounted works. I'd like to physically reinforce the notion that there is a gentle transition between practical, crafted objects and fine art. The artistry of craftsmen, the crafting skills of artists, all wrapped up with green sensibility.
The pieces will be for sale, if the makers wish, with a reasonable commission going to the gallery. I'm tossing up between taking a small commission as curator or charging a small participation fee, as seems common with juried and invitational shows.
Personally I will be finishing several plarn crocheted figures for it, and will also include a couple of new baskets in the "objects of use" section. I'm interested in wearable art and using paper from unusual sources, like the tiny coffee filters inside K-Cups.
On the challenging side, I've never organized this kind of event before. I'll have to search out the right venue, which will include connecting with the manager/curator as a supporter and facilitator. I'll have a lot to learn about publicity for this kind of event. But that's all good.
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