Thursday, August 26, 2010

Footnotes For Tee-Yarn Article

My article in the current issue of Natural Life Magazine is all about using yarn cut from tee shirts for a bunch of fun projects.

Here are some links to ideas and people mentioned for further reading.

Fair Trade source for recycled Sari yarns
History of Rag Rugs
Rag Rug how-to
A bit about Shabby Chic
Cate Blanchett wears granny squares
Belly Dancing Tassels
Knifty Knitter Looms


Stomper Girl said...

Hey Robyn, just over from facebooking befriendment, thought I'd link here as well seeing as I've been blogging too Carolinex

Robyn Coburn Writer/Artist said...

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, Caroline. I love the knitting you are doing, as seen on your flikr.